What's a serving size?

1. Liquids/Water

One 8oz glass or 237ml is one portion.

2. Milk and dairy

One mile serving includes 1 cup of milk (200ml), a portion of yogurt or 1 1/2 onces (42 grams) of cheese.

3. Fruit & Vegetables

Serving sizes are 1 cup for leafy greens and 1/2 cup for all other vegetables and fruits.  These approximate out around 200 grams (7 oz's) or 100 grams (3.5 ozs)

4. Multivitamin

One good quality multivitamin tablet

5. Healthy Oils

One teaspoon of oil is one portion of oil for the day. Also a Oil supplement tablet can be classified as a healthy oil

6. Exercise

Any exercise that registers at least one exercise value per day.